Pokemon Go Fans Not Happy With Recent Changes

Yesterday a new update came out changing a lot of things for the app, and lead to the closure of most third party tracking services like Pokevision. Many fans were not pleased with this decision as with the update they took out the footprints making tracking even more impossible, and then they got rid of the one site that helped so many people find Pokemon nearby them. Since some users have abused sites like these and spoofed their gps to teleport them to these locations to capture some rare Pokemon this shut down is understandable, however for the majority of users who use it to identify the ones just in their vicinity this can be seen as an unfair choice to the users. It was a buyable option to use at least for as long as the tracking system was flawed, but now with these changes many users have claimed to quit or that the game is not fun. There have also been multiple cases of people asking for refunds on recently purchased items as now they are seen as almost useless.

In the update, some good things did come out of it you can re-customize your avatar, the attack moves have been re-balanced so that gyms are more balanced making it more fun to battle them. Along with some moves being buffed and other being nerffed the animations of gyms have been updated as well. They have fixed some bugs that have occurred in  various wild encounters of Pokemon. The user interface of Pokemon has also been updated, making it simpler to navigate around. The medals got a rework as well making them look a lot nicer. Also the map’s features got a rework as well. Lastly, there was an improvement with the memory issues of the game.

Although there are many people have been mad about these changes taking away footprints has not changed the gameplay since the three step bug was in play for a while which also made it impossible to track anything nearby. The updates have made the game better and rebalanced a lot of the over powered move sets in gyms. More is expected to come in the future as Niantic has stated that new features will be added sometime in the near future, so we can only hope that the tracking and servers will be fixed soon.

Eric Chang: Writing from Boston University. Enjoys playing video games. Currently playing Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2.
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