Season one of the Pokemon Go’s Go Battle League ends this week, and season two will start up Friday, May 1st. Niantic has revealed some new additions and changes that will go into effect for the second season. The developer also shared the full timeline for the second season in their announcement.
The league’s format will rotate every few weeks like it has been, with the addition of a new event. The first-ever Go Battle League Premier Cup will be live starting June 29th until the end of the second season, July 6th. From May 1st to May 25th Great League rules will be in effect, then shift to the Ultra League rules. The Master League is also returning for the final shift and will run concurrently with the Premier Cup. Neither the event will have CP limits, although Legendary and Mythical Pokemon can’t be used.
There are also some new additions to the Go Battle League Rewards. New Pokemon include Stunfisk (rank 4), Rufflet (rank 8), and Scraggy (rank9). All players rank seven or higher will earn an Elite Fast TM, and players who reach rank 10 during the second season will earn a new avatar pose. Players will also still have the opportunity to catch Pikachu Libre at rank 10 just like the first season. When it comes to battles, players can now initiate PvP’s against other players using a QR code, regardless of friendship level and distance. Certain attacks have been adjusted to be more balanced, and Legendary Pokemon Palkia has the new ability to learn the Aqua Tail attack.
Most avatar items will stay the same, and walking and PokeCoin requirements will still be removed. Metagross will remain a guaranteed reward for rank 1 players starting out in the new season. For more info on the Go Battle League and season 2, visit the Pokemon Go Live website.