According to Kotaku, Game Freak, the company that develops the main series of Pokémon games, recently put up a couple of job listings that seem to imply work on a new Pokémon game. Kotaku has translated the Japanese job descriptions and requirements.
One job listing is for a Character Modeler and requires experience making characters for Wii U and/or PS Vita games. Kotaku translated some of the job description as making “exaggerated toon style people, monsters, and item models.” Another Game Freak listing is for a 3D CG Designer that reads, “Your chance to get involved with developing a RPG that’s popular worldwide.” Game Freak does make games other than just Pokémon, but the descriptions given in these job listings, particularly the one that describes the game as “a RPG that’s popular worldwide,” seem to fit Pokémon pretty well.
Last year, on the release day of Pokémon Sun and Moon, Eurogamer published an article that claimed that sources have informed them that Game Freak is working on a new installment of the seventh generation of Pokémon games under the working title Pokémon Stars and that this new game would be for Nintendo’s new home console, the Switch. This would bring back the tradition of third installments in each generation of Pokémon game, such as Pokémon Yellow and Pokémon Crystal, which is something that was replaced in the fifth generation by sequels, in the form of Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, and left out of the sixth generation altogether. If the Eurogamer sources are correct, then this would be the first time a main series Pokémon game will be made for a home console rather than a handheld one, though the Switch technically acts as both.
However, before you get your hopes up, it was also mentioned in the Eurogamer article that Pokémon Stars was set to be released by the end of 2017, whereas the two Game Freak job listings state that the jobs will last until May of 2018. If Game Freak is in fact working on a new Pokémon game, it may not come out until spring or even summer of next year. Furthermore, if Eurogamer’s sources were wrong about that detail, they may be wrong about more of what they told Eurogamer. It looks like we may have to wait until next year to know anything more about Pokémon Stars or any other potential main series Pokémon game.