PlayWay Announces I Am Jesus Christ, a “Realistic” Bible-Inspired Simulator

PlayWay, a publisher of simulation-style games like Cooking Simulator and Thief Simulator VR has announced a new “realistic” simulation game for Windows PC based on Jesus Christ and the storied New Testament miracles titled I Am Jesus Christ. The announcement trailer shows Jesus restoring sight the blind, giving a man a (bucketful of) fish, and performing other miraculous feats, all from an immersive first-person perspective.

The official Steam listing for I Am Jesus Christ describes Jesus in an interesting and unique way, calling the Biblical figure “one of the most privileged and powerful people in the world.” That makes Jesus sound more like a Wolf of Wall Street character, and the game might aim to examine the son of God critically in the way Jesus Christ Superstar does. Developed by SimulaM, the Steam description for I Am Jesus Christ proclaims that players will follow Jesus’s sandal-clad path from “the period of [the] Baptizing” through to Jesus’s Resurrection, experiencing all the obstacles along the way.

I Am Jesus Christ is a first-person perspective simulator, and the player uses Jesus’s miraculous abilities by building up the “Holy Spirit” meter through prayer, then spending it on holy blessings pouring through Jesus’s on-screen open palms. The game promises “over 30 miracles” that include calming stormy seas and exorcizing demons along with walking on water and healing and feeding people in need.

Along with the deeds shown the trailer for I Am Jesus Christ, the Steam description lists, notably, a “realistic fight with Satan” in the desert à la John Milton’s Reformation-Era Paradise Regained, along with an open world structure. The game also simulates the Crucifixion of Jesus and the disheartening strain on his Holy Spirit meter, and the subsequent redeeming Resurrection.

Jesus may be the most “powerful and privileged” and “most famous” Earthly figure according to this game’s developers, but it doesn’t sound like the game comes without challenge. “You can try to save the world as He did,” the description for I Am Jesus Christ reads, but just like in the New Testament it won’t be without trial, temptation, and sacrifice. Uneasy is a head that wears a crown, especially one made of thorns.

I Am Jesus Christ is a first-person deific simulator “coming soon” to Steam for Windows PC.

Angel Tuohy: I'm a fan of a lot of different games in different genres, and my favorites are Dark Souls, Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, Tekken, Persona, Resident Evil, and NieR. I think games are a brilliant way to tell a story, but it's important to me that the game is fun to play too. I've recently received my Master's degree in Literature.
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