Obsidian Entertainment has announced that their game Pillars of Eternity, is coming to the Nintendo Switch on August 8, 2019. “We are very happy to announce that the adventure made possible by over 70,000 backers, the original Pillars of Eternity is coming to the Nintendo Switch on August 8! Come explore the world of Eora for the first time with the ability to easily take your party and venture forth wherever you go”. The game is a spiritual successor to classic RPGs such as the Baldur’s Gate and Icewind Dale series and it stays true to that type of game with its party-based, real-time with pause combat system.
Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition will cost $39.99 and it “includes all the additional content from the PC version, including the DLC and expansions”. The game has an expansive character creator that impacts your personal story with races, classes, and character backgrounds that players can choose from. All major updates from the original PC version, including a raised level cap, expanded party AI options, and new difficulty levels. The DLC coming with the Complete Edition of Pillars of Eternity is Parts I and II of The White March. Pillars of Eternity: The White March is an expansion pack that added several new features to the game such as an increased level cap, new abilities, and new companions. The White March has the player go in search for a white forge in the mountainous region of The White March. After reactivating it, the player will have to stop powerful entities who were awakened before they destroy the land.
Pillars of Eternity was originally released on March 26, 2015. It had a very successful Kickstarter campaign ending with $3,986,929 which made it the highest-funded game ever at the time. The sequel, Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire was released on May 8, 2018, and has received new updates, expansions, and free DLC since the game was released. The game is also set to be released for the Nintendo Switch sometime this year.