The trend of games having their announcements spoiled by classification boards continues with Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth, this time with the classification coming from the Australian government and not the usual ESRB. This is interestingly not the first time this has happened to Atlus this year. The main difference between Persona Q2 being rated by the Australian government and Catherine coming to PC is that Atlus has not teased Persona Q2 in any way. A formal announcement for Persona Q2 can be expected relatively soon in the same vein as Catherine, however.
While it may seem shocking at first to see a Nintendo 3DS title rated M, this isn’t really unusual for games in the Persona series. If you’re unfamiliar with the series and only vaguely recognize it as “Where the first DLC fighter for Smash Ultimate is coming from“, it’s a series that is comprised primarily of RPGs (With some notable exceptions) with a general focus on high schoolers dealing with the struggles of day to day life while fighting off various insane threats. The Persona Q games are spin-off crossover games with a focus on dungeon crawling, where characters from different entries in the series get the chance to interact with each other in a way that can only be described as fan service while also sporting Chibi designs.
Speaking of Persona games with a consonant added afterwards, fans of the series who don’t own a Nintendo 3DS can still look forward to more information on Persona 5 R in around 2 months. While Atlus has mainly been hyping up the dancing spin-offs for the Persona series on their social media as of late, don’t expect this to last too long with all the pending news on other titles building up. Coverage on Persona games, other Atlus titles, and more can be found here. You can view the extended trailer for Persona Q2 below.