PAYDAY Crime War has launched its beta test sign-ups this week! Everyone is allowed to sign up. However, these beta tests will only have a limited number of participants, so if you have your heart set on playing this specific heist game early, you will want to check out the signup page on the developers’ official website as soon as possible. Though they will eventually have a beta test for both iOS and Android devices, the developers are beginning first with tests only for Android, and you must have a Gmail account in order to participate.
PAYDAY Crime War is the next installment of the popular PAYDAY series. In this specific version, everyone will have a threateningly funny mask with the main focus of the game centered on heists. Many unique maps will be available such as the classic bank, precious art exhibits, and common stores. Check out the trailer for the game below for a complete understanding of the art style and cityscape.
Registration has officially opened and will remain open until December of 2021. The goal is to have the game ready for launch by early 2022. However, the developers still have a lot to work with, so it is likely that there will be some sort of a delay in the release date as the year comes to a close.
PAYDAY Crime War has been in development since its first announcement in mid-2015 but has had trouble making progress due to a constant change of developers. Although there was a soft launch in 2019, the continuation of development was completely canceled. It was not until the development company PopReach took up the project that the game was announced for a 2022 release last April. The game underwent a complete change of hands of developers with PopReach receiving nothing but the game code.