The continuation of the Dead Rising series Dead Rising 4 could eventually find its way to the PS4 and Steam, according to Gamespot. The open-world zombie survival game’s predecessor Dead Rising 3 was released as a Microsoft exclusive, first out for Xbox One and then for PC 10 months later.
Microsoft released a statement following the news of Dead Rising 4 being a timed-exclusive:
Dead Rising 4 on Xbox One is developed by Capcom and will be published in partnership with Microsoft. Fans will be able to play Dead Rising 4 first on Xbox One and Windows 10 PC this December. It will remain a Windows 10 exclusive for the first 90 days and console exclusive on Xbox One for one year. We’ve had a close and longstanding relationship with Capcom including the launch of Dead Rising as an Xbox 360 exclusive and Dead Rising 3 as an Xbox One exclusive. We’re thrilled to partner with Capcom once again to help bring their ambitious vision for Dead Rising 4 to life.
Not only is Dead Rising 4 going to reach the PS4 a year after its release on Xbox One, it appears that the original Dead Rising is going to make its way to the PS4, Eurogamer says. Evidence of this comes from Exophase. Exophase released 51 trophies for Dead Rising which are awarded based on how many zombies and psychopaths you have killed, among others.
Another timed-exclusive game with Microsoft is Rise of the Tomb Raider. Following the release of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Crystal Dynamics released Rise of the Tomb Raider in November 2015 as an Xbox One exclusive. The game served as a prequel/reboot to the entire Lara Croft series. Even though Rise of the Tomb Raider was originally released for just the Xbox One, an Italian Gamestop leaked that October 11 is the potential release date that PS4 players have been waiting for.
Dead Rising fans will be excited that the main protagonist of the original Dead Rising game Frank West is coming back as the lead for Dead Rising 4.
The release date for Dead Rising 4 is set for December 6 on the Xbox One and PC, with the release for the PS4 coming out a year later. A specific date has not been confirmed for the PS4 release, according to Gamespot.