Oculus Announces List of Launch Games And Their Comfort Levels

Last night at the Game Developer Conference Sony announced the release date and launch games for PlayStation VR and today was Oculus’s turn. According to this blog post on Oculus’s site, the Rift will launch 30 games with the promise of more on the way.

These games take you to the outer reaches of space, mysterious labyrinths of wonder, and fantastic worlds of adventure. And they’re just the beginning. We’re working with thousands of developers on entirely new VR experiences. There are over a hundred more games coming to Oculus this year.

Here’s the list of the games available at launch:

Oculus also released a trailer showing off some of the games.

Along with that, as part of a promotional event at GDC Oculus also released a list of 41 games, which includes the 30 launch games, and their comfort levels (you can see the list below). The games that aren’t part of the initial 30 are set to be released within the Rift’s launch window.

Thanks to Eurogamer for the image.

The “comfort” level given refers to how uncomfortable the game is to play for some Oculus users, be it from motion sickness or some other physical discomfort. The comfort levels range from “comfortable” to “intense” and from what Eurogamer has to say, the “intense” games are mostly first and third-person games where the camera is fast moving, like a first-person shooter or racing game. Games rated “comfortable” tend to have a slow moving or fixed camera that shifts view points.

It’s interesting to note that most of the games are $50 and under meaning that, at least for now, people who dropped the $600 bucks on the device won’t have to shell out a ton of money for games to play on it.

In the blog post Oculus also showed off Oculus Home, which has been updated since it was first released with the Gear VR, along with its desktop equivalent.

Whether early adopters choose to side with Oculus or Sony it seems like there will be plenty of games to play.

Oculus Rift is set to release at the end of this month on March 28th, for $599 and will come bundled with Eve: Valkyrie and Lucky’s Tale .

Chris May: Part writer, part gamer, part cinephile voltroned together into one annoying critic. Tell him how great he is: chris@mxdwn.com
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