Octodad: Dadliest Catch Coming To PS4 Next Week

First to be on Steam for Mac/PC/Linux back in January, the Developers Young Horses, now brings that octopus-pretending-to-be-a-man simulator Octodad: Dadliest Catch to the PlayStation 4 on April 22nd in North America for $14.99 and coming to Europe on April 23rd for €13.99. PS Plus subscribers will also get a 20 percent off until April 29th.

During the PC launch back in January, there have been a lot of enhancements added to the game. “The latter third of the game in particular has gone through some radical changes, with added challenges like deck swabbing, jig dancing, and new disguises to wear,” the developer explained.

The original Octodad game was released by a group of university students back in October 2010. It was later an Independent Games Festival Student Finalist in 2011, which then the team decided to run a Kickstarter in order to form the game studio Young Horses. “We started Octodad as a ragtag group of students, and it’s been a long and crazy ride getting our silly game on the PS4,” said Creative Director of Octodad, Kevin Zuhn.

If you haven’t had a chance to play the game yet, Octodad: Dadliest Catch is a game about destruction, deception, and fatherhood, which lets players control an octopus that wears a suit, who has lived his life and fooled the entire world into thinking he’s human. As you start to play, you now have a wife and two kids to take care of, but there is always someone coming to reveal his secret, a suspicious chef, which you playing as Octodad will need to keep up the normal life and navigate everyday tasks in order to not be revealed.

With the game now coming to PlayStation 4, it will be supported by PlayStation Move controllers and you can play with friends or family where players can both take control of one of Octodad’s tentacles. With also the ability to play with PlayStation Move and a Nav controller.

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