Niantic has revealed the first details for next month’s Community Day event in Pokémon Go, which will feature the Fire-Type starter Chimchar from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Chimchar Community Day will happen on Saturday, November 16, from 11 AM to 2 PM local time. During that time, Chimchar will spawn in the wild much more often than normal.
Players can take advantage of the increased spawns to collect more Chimchar Candy to evolve and power up their Chimchar. Like past Community Days, this will also give players the chance to encounter and catch Shiny Chimcar for the first time in the game. Any Chimchar who are evolved into Monferno and then Infernape during the event and up to two hours after it ends will learn a special move exclusive to the Community Day. Though the move hasn’t been announced yet, some are speculating it will be Blast Burn, as past Community Days focused on Fire-Type starters featured Blast Burn as the exclusive move.
There will be other bonuses available during Chimchar Community Day as well, including Eggs hatching at a quarter of their usual distance and Lure Modules remaining active for three hours instead of 30 minutes. Players can also receive 2 km Eggs from PokéStops that may hatch into Chimchar.
Until November 16, Niantic has some other events in store for Pokémon Go players. Their annual in-game Halloween event debuts tomorrow, which will introduce new Shadow Pokémon from Team GO Rocket and some familiar Pokémon dressed up in costumes for the occasion. After the Halloween event ends on November 1, a special weekend event focusing on the Regi trio will kick off, giving players the chance to battle Regirock, Regice, and Registeel in five-star raids throughout the weekend. During November 2, players can buy a pass to acess a Special Research mission that will give them the chance to catch Regigigas before the Colossal Pokémon makes its official debut in Pokémon Go later in November.