The Grand Theft Auto Roleplay server NoPixel is back in the spotlight again. With their most recent update completely redoing the server, the attention has been brought back to it. Multiple major streamers have come back to continue the characters they left behind.
The last time this server was in the spotlight was back in 2021 with the release of NoPixel 3.0. Considered revolutionary at the time, NoPixel has not seen any major updates besides the 3.5 update, which happened earlier this year. The server’s popularity has dwindled, and only those who had deep character stories within NoPixel continued within the server. However, most of those players are not returning with the reset.
The major contributing factor to this is that there is a queue to get into the server. Many people ended up losing their priority within this queue, leading to many people not wanting to wait for hours on end to get into the server. The queue can be as long as 300 people or more during peak times. This has led to a lot of frustration for players.
Other factors include the most recent addition of a major competitor of a server called Onx. The creation of this server is rooted in deep controversy. Both of the major developers of this new server were major contributors to the development and creation of NoPixel. Onx released its server six days before NoPixel came out with its major update.
Both servers put their own spin on their version of GTA RP, which are both very similar. They both allow their citizens to choose either a life of crime, being a simple civilian, or being a police officer. Each has its own judicial system based on local United States judicial systems. While they have many similarities, some of the mechanics still remain different providing the roleplayer a different experience in both.
There are many other servers out there that offer unique experiences for the roleplayer. NoPixel just happens to be the most popular one out there. With more major streamers coming back to the server, its popularity will most likely increase again.