As of this morning the official Nintendo NX, or Switch, trailer has been released. Their newest console appears to have everything players were hoping for and more.
To start off, the trailer opens with with a man sitting on his couch playing the Nintendo Switch on his television before standing and pulling apart the controller and sliding them onto the portable screen that rests on a docking platform. It would appear as though there was no delay in transitioning the screen from the tv to the portable tablet like monitor.
Fast forward and the Nintendo Switch can be seen standing upright on its own through the use of a kickstand while the user slides off the controllers and begins to play through a wireless connection between the two. The trailer also shows that when in its portable state, two players will be able to compete with each other; each with one of the two removable controllers.
The Nintendo Switch will also have a console like controller in addition to the portable/ removable ones that slide on and off the system. The console controller appears to work whether on the docking station or when playing on the portable screen.
Most notable from the trailer is the fact that two friends were able to set up their Nintendo Switch’s next to one another and begin playing competitively from their own devices. It would appear as though each Nintendo Switch will be able to connect to other Nintendo Switch’s through a wireless connection.
There was no mention as to how powerful the device will be, however, the new console is expected to have a 2017 release date.