Nintendo Takes Down Rhythm Heaven Remix Tool

Nintendo recently removed a fan-made Rhythm Heaven remix tool created by Heaven Studio. The software allowed players to create their own remixes based on Nintendo’s Rhythm Heaven series of rhythm action games.

Players upload their music tracks and choose Rhythm Heaven mini-games to create a custom experience, controlling the action to the music’s beat. However, since the mini-games use sprites and sound effects from Rhythm Heaven, Nintendo filed a DMCA claim, resulting in its removal.

According to TorrentFreak, Nintendo sent DMCA notice to GitHub, requesting the removal of sprites and sound effects from Heaven Studio. In response, GitHub took down the entire Heaven Studio repository and 290 forks created by other users. Heaven Studio was also available on, but it has been removed from there as well.

This isn’t the first time Nintendo has taken down fan-made game using their technology, and it likely won’t be the last. Interestingly, this involves one of their less popular games, rather than well-known franchises like Zelda or Mario. Despite this, Nintendo has the right to protect their creations, even if many fans would enjoy these fan-made projects. While the game isn’t widely popular, it has a dedicated fan base online, highlighted by Jaiden Animations’ “Rhythm Heaven Speedrun video, which has inspired many to try speedrunning the game.

Heaven Studio took to X (Twitter) to reassure fans that they aren’t going away despite the recent takedown.

They wanted to explain that their studio will remain active, but they will shift their focus. Instead of recreating Rhythm Heaven, they will now concentrate on developing tools and frameworks for creating rhythm-based games. This change in direction allows them to continue their passion for rhythm games while avoiding legal issues. Heaven Studio aims to empower other game developers by providing the necessary resources to create their own unique rhythm-based games, ensuring that the community can still enjoy new and innovative content in this genre.

Katherine Daly: I'm a dedicated journalist whose words dance between the realms of video games and the ever-evolving tapestry of our times. With a sharp intellect and a passion for gaming, I craft articles that seamlessly blend the virtual and real world.
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