Nintendo Launches Teaser For A New Horror Game

A new horror games is heading to Nintendo platforms. The popular Japanese gaming company teased a new horror game on Wednesday titled Emio with the release of a short trailer.

While the trailer itself is quite vague, a figure wearing a paper bag and and a trenchcoat appeared alongside the kanji for Emio. When translated the kanji, according to Polygon, reads “Smiling Man”.

The trailer, a far cry from the more family friendly games in Nintendo’s catalogue, was apparently disturbing enough to be age-restricted in certain countries.

Australia in particular rated the trailer MA 15+/Restricted 13 and noted that it’s content contained strong themes of violence, references to suicide, cruelty, and domestic abuse.

Fans were quick to speculate after the trailer dropped, with most wondering which developers could be behind the project.

A likely candidate for the project is the Silent Hill 2 remake developer Blooper Team. The Polish developer has been known to be making a project for Nintendo nicknamed Project M and who’s CEO went into detail on the project in an interview this week.

“Project M, although its budget is significantly smaller than the games we are working on at Bloober Team, is extremely important due to our long-term plans,” said Bloober Team CEO Piotr Babieno to PAP Biznes.

“In addition, we are working on it in cooperation with the world’s best game creators for Nintendo platforms, so we cannot afford to create just a decent game,” he continued.

Until more is revealed, the speculation will continue. That said, it’s likely that Nintendo will give an update the days and weeks to come. Regardless, whenever Emio releases, it would definitely make a great Halloween release.

For more information and updates on Emio, head over to Nintendo’s official website and social media.

Caitlyn Taylor: New media and entertainment have been apart of my life since I was very young, and I don't think that interest will ever go away. When I'm bored, I immerse myself in lore videos no matter the length.
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