Nintendo Celebrates Release Of Donkey Kong On 3DS By Scaring The Crap Out of Children

Donkey Kong Country Returns is probably one of the most fun, and certainly better looking, games on the Wii so to celebrate its successful port to the 3DS, Nintendo are frightening the bejeesus out of some kids.

Children at the Santa Monica Yacht Harbor were treated to a special preview of the game, which launches on May 24, but when a life sized Donkey Kong bursts through a nearby wall we’re sure many of those kids paid for the sneak preview in pants poops. “I’m like, sitting there playing the game, minding my own business. And then, out of nowhere, comes Donkey Kong in 3D,” said one fully grown man. It’s endearing that this man regards real life as “3D.” And then, out of nowhere, came my boss with the TPS reports…in 3D.

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D is out now and does not require you to shake the controller like an asshole to get things done.


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