Who would’ve thought that there was another Call of Duty game coming? According to a reddit user and verified by Gamespot, there was a listing for a new Call of Duty title on PSN. This totally unexpected game will be called Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. No details have been released yet, but I speculate that you can shoot a gun.
Activision has yet to make any statements on this, because they want people to be surprised when they announce another Call of Duty game. This year’s Call of Duty that no one saw coming will be produced by Infinity Ward, the studio behind the Modern Warfare franchise.
The game will probably be available on all the consoles, although you’ll probably want to get it for the PS4 or Xbox One so you can be really immersed in the dull brown and gray environments. I’m sure Infinite Warfare will have the series signature hallway-inspired levels and 30 minute campaign.
How about that name? At first Call of Duty was about past wars, then there was Modern Warfare, then Advanced Warfare, and now Infinite Warfare. Look, I like warfare as much as the next guy, but Infinite Warfare is a little too much for me. If they release another Call of Duty game would they call it Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Plus One?
I’ve seen a lot of crazy things as a Game’s Journalist, but nothing could prepare me for this. I can barely type this article because I’m paralyzed in shock. Activision must be tearing their hair out over people finding out there will be another Call of Duty Game. Now people won’t be surprised. I mean the last Call of Duty was in 2015! It’s really been that long since I was killed online by 420ASSassin69.