Housemarque, the creator of reputable shooters Super StarDust and Resogun has recently released a trailer announcing the release date as well as a new cooperative mode for their new title, Nex Machina, The game will release on June 2o for both the Playstation 4 and PC. The developers have been working closely with Eugene Jarvis, due to his experience with creating classic style top down view shooters such as Robotron and Smash TV.
Housemarque aims to create a game that will remind fans of the classic arcade style from the 80’s while pairing it with modern technology and graphics to compliment gameplay. The developer claims in a Playstation Blog post that they will “go down in infamy for creating one of the simplest, purest action arcade games of our generation.” There aren’t many details available about the newly announced co-op mode at the moment. The game is limited to local multiplayer and may only allow for only two players at a time. The following video includes footage from the Winter Tide level along with some two player gameplay.
The two player limiter may help prevent players from being overwhelmed from all of the action that appears on screen. The local co-op mode will also allow players to choose on whether they want to play side by side or compete against one another. Nex Machina will also feature competitive multiplayer modes and leaderboards. There are a total of five worlds that are made up of 100 different levels, each containing various secrets scattered throughout.