New Rise Of The Tomb Raider 20th Anniversary Trailer

For almost twenty years now, the fictional character Laura Croft has brought the adventure genre in gaming to a new level. In the most recent versions of Tomb Raider, Laura Croft is seen growing up to become that amazing Tomb Raider that we know her to be. In the first remake, we get a glimpse as to how she was before she became the skilled fighter and marksman. Then in Rise of the Tomb Raider we go on her first Tomb Raiding expedition as she races to stop an evil group from obtaining a mysterious great power. A trailer was released earlier today, showcasing the premise of the game and some bonus items brought in for the special 20 year anniversary. The trailer can be viewed below.

Within the trailer, we also get a glimpse at the new DLC that will come out with the twenty year anniversary edition. Both will be out on October 11th of this year according to GameStop. From the video, the Blood Ties expansion will add about an hour more of gameplay, and the story will be within the Croft Mansion. The story of the DLC is that Laura is trying to prove that the manor belongs to her and not her uncle. However, while working to get proof Laura is fighting zombies. While zombies might seem out of place at first, the brand director Rich Briggs explains that “There’s a psychological aspect to this because Lara is battling her inner demons to retain ownership of her childhood home”(via GameSpot). This explanation helps reason as to why there are zombie like creatures in the manor. Also, according to the video there will also be mini bosses within the DLC.

To make the 20th year anniversary special, the game will also come with some classic skins from the very first games. While the old skins may look strange in the epic defined environments, it is awesome to see how far the game has come in the showcase of old and modern designs.  If you already own Rise of the Tomb Raider on PC or Xbox, you will get the Blood Ties DLC and more content for free.


Eric Chang: Writing from Boston University. Enjoys playing video games. Currently playing Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2.
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