New Legendary Skin Omega Squad Teemo on Duty

Up until now, all available skins for the League of Legends fan-proclaimed mascot of trolls were cute, cuddly, and light-hearted. But gone are the days of the cuddly demon-yordle Teemo, and from the shadows comes the new Legendary Skin known as Omega Squad Teemo.

The furball’s cheerful, perpetually closed eyes are now veiled behind a Darth Vader-esque mask, and his peppy little voice takes on a more serious tone that demands respect.

Teemo’s traded in his blow dart and mushrooms for some serious gear – a tactical rifle, daggers and landmines, and will be sneaking around the Rift like Sam Fisher to drop targets in an upcoming game near you.

I typically don’t intentionally play this character and, as a result, don’t own any Teemo skins. But, if I were to buy a skin for him, this is hands down the skin I’d get.

You can suit up for battle as Omega Squad Teemo in the League of Legends store for 1820 RP.

Melissa K.: Melissa is a gamer who grew up on a staple of Nintendo consoles and later made a shift to Xbox and PC gaming. She's pretty terrible at racing, sports, and versus fighting games, but she holds her own in first person shooters, RPGs, and puzzle games. When she's not clocking the usual nine-to-five, she's playing League of Legends and has dreams of working at Riot or perhaps finding a niche as a streamer on Twitch.
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