New details broke out recently about Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok, the next game in the Assassin’s Creed series. The game was first revealed in The Division 2 with an easter egg. It was later confirmed to be real and it was revealed that the game will be set in the time of the Vikings. Rumors have been developing over course of a few months about the supposed Ragnarok game. Being that this game has been in the dark, fans will finally have all of their questions answered and resolved when it comes to their all-time favorite franchise game.
We would be getting ready for the new information about the game but due to E3 being canceled, we haven’t heard any news from Ubisoft company regarding the new Assassin’s Creed game. But a French Youtuber who goes by the name @xj0nathon posted on his Twitter new information and updates of the game. He expressed that the name of the game has not been confirmed yet which means Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok was actually not a set and stone name for the game. But he did confirm that the Assassin’s Creed game will still be based in the Viking era. Another thing that Jonathon stated in his Twitter was that the hidden blade will be returning along with a shield like in Assassin’s Creed Origins. And like in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey the game will also have players be able to choose as to play either a man or woman. According to the leak the game is still set to be revealed by the end of this year which means it is planned to be released in April or May of 2021; Which will give fans something to look forward within the coming months.
Even though this gives us and an idea of what we should expect to see for the game, fans should still take this information with the grain of salt and still lookout for any new developing news on the game.