New Have a Nice Death Trailer Shows Off Death’s Tools In New Gameplay Footage

Magic Design Studios has released a new trailer for the 2D hand-drawn rogue-like game, Have a Nice Death. The last time we saw Death, we got a tour of Death Inc and saw the various insubordinate employees of Death. In order to bring an end to the problems the Sorrow have been causing, Death must go to the different departments and put his executive in place. In the new trailer, A Tools of the Trade, gamers of the soon-to-be-released game get a detailed explanation of how the game’s combat system will be.

Death’s first weapon showcased is the scythe. This basic weapon will allow for a series of slashes and strikes allowing for different combos to be performed. Diss Scythe is an enhanced version of his scythe, it allows the scythe to become like a whip, performing attacks from a distance. It can also multiply itself and create multiple strikes. Twinsies give Death dual-wielding blades allowing for multiple strikes while the sickle is good for up close battles.

Cloak transformations give Death unique abilities. His Slaymore cloak transformation creates two large guillotine-like blades that slash a large area. Ferral Fists turns his cloak into giant fists that punch through enemies and unleashes lethal blows. Rocket Launcher allows Death to summon projectiles and send missiles to blow up his enemies. And Revelation Bow is Death’s ability to summon a bow. Its arrow pierces through defenses.

Pitbook spells are a third set of skills Death uses. Aside from physical weapons, Death casts spells to unleash powerful attacks. Boomerang – Hex summons electric-powered boomerangs. The explosion creates powerful blasts to deal heavy damage. Star Raving Mad unleashes a barrage of meteors that bombard an area with continuous blast attacks.

These are just a few of the many skills Death has in the game. Have a Nice Death is available for early access on Steam and will be released on the Nintendo Switch on March 22, 2023.

Omar Del Rio: I am an inspiring writer set on writing a novel with endless realms of possibility .And video games are the portal to the realm of imagination.
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