New Gameplay Trailer Demos Combat System for Abyss World: Apocalypse

Abyss World: Apocalypse is a third-person action-adventure role-playing game that is being developed by Abyss Studio and is being published by Abyss Studio and Metagame Industries. It is being made in Unreal Engine 5.  In this game, players will be exploring the Old Tide in the world of Nordinia. Back in the past, souls would gather on the other side of the sea, the Old Tide. However, the Fire Thief came and souls were no longer coming to the other side. This brought the Black Tide which devours all. Now it is up to players to bring balance and light back. Battle evil as you travel the world restoring light to the lighthouses. As for battles against great evils, a gameplay trailer has been published, giving players a deep look into the combat system.

The game will have different classes to play and the trailer showcases the swordsman class.  From the start of the video, we see the character model with a weapon and three submenus for abilities that grant counter-strike skills and offense skills. We are taken to the Mutrin Town in the Palinulos Region. As the character approaches enemies, battles take place in the open-world match and players will have to unleash command of attacks. An opponent’s level is displayed in front of their names so players can decide if they want to take the foe on or to avoid it.

The first example of a boss battle is shown with the battle against the Charred Remains. This boss was quick and nimble with precise slashes. It is subdued due to channeling the power of the counter-strike ability. A second boss battle ensues with the Lake Elephant. It is sluggish but has powerful strikes. Upon its defeat, it goes under a transformation to Angry Elephant Demon – Fargorn. It now possesses magic and uses its abilities to cast attacks at the player. Its movement has increased making its strikes deadlier. Players will have to be more technical with the counter-strike abilities and use the great sword to land critical hits.

Abyss World: Apocalypse is still in development and no current announcement of a release date but is available to wishlist on Steam.

Omar Del Rio: I am an inspiring writer set on writing a novel with endless realms of possibility .And video games are the portal to the realm of imagination.
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