Songbringer, the sci-fi action-adventure RPG by the companies Wizard Fu and Double Eleven, released its new 1.20 update yesterday as free DLC. As well as a variety of fixes, the DLC, titled The Trial of Ren, adds a new boss, a new difficulty, and new items.
Songbringer puts the player in the role of Roq Epimetheos, pilot of the titular ship who winds up in the role of accidental hero when he finds a nanosword that unseals an ancient evil. The game’s world is randomly generated from a six-letter world seed, allowing for a different experience every playthrough, yet enabling players to race each other if they so desire.
The new DLC introduces the titular Ren as a new boss. He acts as the calm and calculating opposite of his wild and brash brother Kiel. He attacks the player with a variety of fancy techniques and teleports around the arena, making him one of the toughest fights in the game.
The new difficulty setting comes in the form of a new artifact ring that makes the game harder when equipped. Eiael’s Snare, the new ring, makes every enemy able to take more damage and deal more to the player. In addition, every boss in the game now has new attack patterns that they only uses when Eiael’s Snare is equipped.
To help the player clear these new challenges, two new item crafting combos were introduced. One of these is a flamethrower, which shoots out flames, as one could expect. The other is a pair of high-tech boots. These boots, named the Hyper Boots, greatly increases the player’s speed and leave behind mines that hit enemies with lightning bolts.
Other than minor changes and bug fixes, the only other change to the game is the addition of Simplified Chinese as a language option.