Today, Nintendo released the longest trailer for Pokémon Sun and Moon to date. This 5:14 trailer is packed with a ton of info, from new Pokémon, twists on old favorites, and new ways to battle. So without further ado, let’s dive in.
As usual, thanks to the Pokémon website for all info.
Aside from all of the new Pokémon we will find on our journey there will also be a few oldie but goodies returning in a new way.
The trailer opens up by saying that “certain Pokémon are thriving in Alola” and boy are they. See, each island in Alola has a different ecosystem and some Pokémon have taken to them in interesting ways. Like Exeggutor, whose original type has changed from Grass/Psychic to, oddly enough, Grass/Dragon. That typing change also comes with a new look with Exeggutor now looking more like a palm tree.
Now known as the Coconut Pokémon, Exeggutor’s change is due to the strong sunlight on Alola, which shines all year round. With its extra long neck Exeggutor can now whip at other Pokémon. Alolan Exeggutors also have an additional head on it’s tail which can attack other enemies behind it.
Vulpix and Ninetails were also treated to an Alolan form, changing their types from Fire to Ice and Ice/Fairy respectively. Their new looks reflect that change quite well.
When humans moved to Alola they brought Vulpix with them but disliking the normal habitats they decided to move into the mountains. Living on the snowy mountain peaks, the Pokémon began to adapt and thus the change. In Alola, Ninetails are revered as sacred emissaries since they live atop a holy mountain. Despite being very gentle Pokémon that often help those in distress, people who encounter Ninetails regard it with awe and fear due to its new status.
The last of the Alolan redesigns is Sandshrew, and it’s evolution Sandslash, which are now both Ice/Steel-types.
After numerous volcanic eruptions forced Sandshrews out of their native climates, they took up refuge in the mountains. Ice coated making their skin tougher than steel. Unfortunately, the change made them less flexible and slower preventing them from rolling into a ball like their Ground-type counterpart. Once Sandshrew evolves its icy shell transforms into long, sharp spikes.
The trailer showed off an evolution and a devolution for two Pokémon we’ve already met, Yungoose and Mudsdale.
Called Gumshoos it is the second form of Yungoos. It has the exact opposite personality of Yungoos, whereas Gumshoos prefers to relentlessly stalk its prey Yungoos prefers to prowls around for it. The strangest thing about Gumshoos has to do with who it looks like. A while back, Kotaku wrote an article talking about how fans thought Yungoos looked like presidential candidate Donald Trump, and Gumshoos bears an even more striking resemblance to the man. Most likely this was unintentional, but man, what a coincidence.
Next up is Mudbray, the previous form of Mudsdale. Once found all over the world, hunting reduced the population to near extinction. Alola is the last place where Mudbray can still be found in the wild. It loves the mud and becomes stressed if it can’t play in it.
Oricorio is the next Pokémon added to the list and it’s another one of those gimmick Pokémon like Smeargle, Delibird, and Chatot. Oricorio has the ability to change its form and typing depending on which island it’s on. As you can see in the trailer, it can change into a Fire, Electric, Psychic, or Ghost/Flying type. It also has the special move Revelation Dance, which changes depending on its form, and the new ability Dancer. With that ability Oricorio can copy any dance move the turn after an enemy uses it.
Next up is Minior, the Meteor Pokémon formed in the Stratosphere. It’s a Rock/Flying-type with the new ability Shields Down, once it’s HP drops below half its rocky shell falls off exposing its core freeing it up to make quicker attacks.
Lastly, we have a new Grass-type and its evolution. Fomantis loves Photosynthesis and will fiercely attack anyone that stops it from absorbing enough sunlight to evolve. It’s second form Laurantis is said to be one of the most beautiful Grass Pokémon due to its coloration and elegant moves. Lurantis also has the new move Solar Blade. The move takes two turns to use and unleashes a powerful slash made of light once it goes off.
In Sun and Moon, much like in X & Y, players will be able to ride Pokémon like Tauros, Mudsdale, Sharpedo, and Charizard should they wish to.
The Rite of The Island Challenge is another new addition to the game. In it players will travel to each of the four islands and face the various trials while there. According to the site, players will be challenged in ways other than battling, but it’s still present. Players will be tasked with finding items or completing tests of knowledge. Once they clear that portion they will fight a Totem Pokémon, a suped-up Pokémon with the ability to call on an ally Pokémon. From there players will face a kahuna in a traditional battle. It’s unknown if this will be the new gym system or the new Battle Frontier.
This latest entry adds Z-Moves to the battle formula. A Z-Move is a uber powerful attack and much like Mega-Evolutions can only be used once per battle. There will be one Z-Move for each type.
Pokémon Sun and Moon will be out on November 18th for all Nintendo handhelds.