At PAX West, Ubisoft released some new information on their game For Honor. They released three new trailers to help introduce three of the six playable characters in the alpha. With the alpha coming out soon we can hopefully expect to get more info on the other playable characters to get a look at these characters in action rather than just seeing what warriors are in the game. The three new trailers feature the Samurai, Viking, and the Knight.
From the Samurai trailer, one can tell that he is very skilled in his movements and sword fighting. He is also able to do a lot of damage with his sword which is made clear when he is capable of slicing an enemy’s head off. He seems to be able to move faster than most enemies can attack as he is able to dodge an enemy’s attack and then strikes while they are recovering. While the Samurai seems to use his speed and skill to win battles, the Viking seems to use a lot of his brute strength and the range of his axe. He is capable of picking up enemies in one hand to send them flying and he can swing his axe around with all his might to take down enemies from a good range. And finally, the Knight seems to have a good mix of strength and skill as he is able to wield the giant long sword to give him a good range and the power of his two hands to deal a lot of damage against an enemy. While his attacks seem to be slow his damage output from one swing looks to be worth that slow speed.
GameSpot has the official descriptions on each of these warriors directly from Ubisoft:
- Samurai: History has not been kind to the Samurai. After losing their homeland to sea and fire, the nomadic warriors have ceased their wandering and have rebuilt themselves a new nation under a mighty Emperor.
- Raider: Previously thought to have vanished, the Vikings have returned to plunder, take new lands, and reclaim their ancient homeland in the north.
- Knight: Scattered for centuries, the Knights have begun at last to gather again under a single banner: that of the Iron Legion.
For Honor will have a closed alpha starting from September 15-18, so not everyone will be allowed to download and play it. However, if you would want to give it a chance to be chosen to participate you could sign up here. For Honor is expected to come out February 14, 2017 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.