New FAR: Changing Tides Features Revealed

FAR: Changing Tides is set to release in early 2022 for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC via the Epic Games Store. In FAR: Changing Tides players control Toe, a hero trapped in a drowned landscape with little chance of survival. Finding an abandoned ship, the journey to safety will take players across the horizon in a desperate bid for freedom as Toe seeks answers about what happened to their home. During Gamescom today, some new features were revealed for the game.

The biggest, new feature coming to FAR: Changing Tides is that the abandoned ship that Toe uses to travel can become submersible so Toe can explore the flooded civilization that was once Toe’s home, as well as other original features new to the FAR universe. Okomotive Lead Designer and Co-Founder, Don Schmocker, said, “Adding a submersible feature to the FAR universe felt like a natural progression for the series, allowing players to explore the ruins beneath, instead of just sailing above them. It added an emotional depth that the desolate wastelands of Lone Sails had and a new element to some of our puzzles, as well as encouraging players to engage with their vehicle in a deeper and more satisfying way.”

While tackling puzzles on land and beneath the waves, players will learn the skills needed to control and upgrade both a sail boat and submersible. Raise the mast and angle the sails or use limited fuel resources to light the furnace and power a mighty engine, all while the dynamic soundtrack responds to player interactions for a unique and relaxing experience. “As a studio, we want to keep challenging ourselves while looking at new ways to excite players. Changing Tides is longer than Lone Sails, with more puzzles to solve, upgrades to earn and a mystery to unravel, we wanted something to set the two games apart while retaining the iconic elements; post-apocalyptic setting, painterly art style, dynamic soundtrack and a unique vehicle,” Schmocker said.

Paul David Nuñez: I love to escape my reality with books, music, television, movies, and games. If I'm not doing anything important, I'm probably doing one of these things. P.S. The Matrix Has You
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