Fallout 76 has had its share of issues and it appears the game can never get a break. Recently, Fallout 76 had a free weekend event which was quickly exploited, with hackers spawning legendary items, NPCs and even assets from Fallout 4 such as the Prywden. Predictably, Bethesda quickly launched a hotfix which was able to stop most of the hackers. The fix was not perfect as hacked legendary items, NPCS, and even the Prywden are still around and haven’t been scrubbed from the game yet.
Now, a new hack has come to the game. The hacker ErectBAN who found the NPC and Prywden exploit has found another way to break the game. A thread as appeared on Reddit warning the community of what to expect. The new hack will now treat players as if they were lootable containers instead of players.
To specify, the hack allows players to take inventory items from other players without initiating a trade. The hacker can be as far away as 200 in-game meters and does not need to be in line of sight to start the hack. Hackers can steal more than just base inventory items which is bad enough, but everything outside of quest items can be stolen. Items from the Atomic Shop, Fallout 76’s store, can be stolen and even the Pip-Boy can be taken as it is classified as an item though it is meant to be inaccessible.
Both videos demonstrate the hack being tested and done in a private server, though ErectBAN has let the hack go live and it is possible to do it in public servers. Bethesda is aware of the hack and are actively trying to fix the hack but no update or expected patch has been announced. Fallout 76 may even need to go offline soon so Bethesda can attempt to implement a fix.