New ‘Desolation’ DLC Brings Horror to the World of No Man’s Sky

Announced on Wednesday, the team at Hello Games showed off the next DLC planned for the space exploration game No Man’s Sky. Teased in short Twitter video from the creator of No Man’s Sky, the teaser trailer showed a distorted screen with a mixture of distorted sounds. Later, an official trailer showcasing some of the places and content available in the DLC was released a few hours later. The official trailer shows off what seems to be an abandoned ship in a corrupted part of the Universe, as players will meet new “Biological Horrors” in their exploration. The Desolation update will bring players to what seem to be numerous abandoned freight ships filled with an overgrown alien infestation, reminiscent of the environments in the Dead Space series.

Similar to the previous major game updates like the Living Ship DLC, the Desolation DLC will be completely free for players across all platforms. Each ship that players will encounter in their adventures will be procedurally-generated, with new puzzles, hazards, challenges, and loot waiting on each new freighter. Players will encounter rogue security AI, failed gravity systems and new enemies that will make exploration on the ships much more difficult, and spookier. Each new ship will also contain its own unique logs and data that will tell the stories of how they became abandoned. The freight ships will also be available to explore in solo play or in co-op mode with another person.

The No Man’s Sky 2.6 Desolation update will also be bringing a number of changes to the game in general, including new customization options for capital ships, new items, inventory improvements, and improved lighting effects. A full list of the patch notes is available on the No Man’s Sky official website, along with purchasing information for the game (currently 50% off).

Elijah Hunt: Current student at the University of Tennessee Knoxville studying Journalism and Japanese. I am a captain and one of the leaders of the Smash Bros Division of the University's esports club and have a passion for the esports community. My favorite titles that I have competed in include Super Smash Brothers, League of Legends and Valorant.
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