Naughty Dog Reveals Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet At The Game Awards 2024

Naughty Dog revealed their fifth new project at The Game Awards 2024. Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet is a new sci-fi action adventure game that follows the story of  Jordan A. Mun, a bounty hunter stranded on a remote planet far from civilization. Players will follow Jordan as she fights her way through monsters and dangerous terrain to escape the planet’s orbit.

Like many of the developer’s projects before, Naughty Dog aims to use all their experience to give players an emotional, character-driven narrative side-by-side deep and intuitive game play. Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet is currently in development for the PlayStation 5.

Caitlyn Taylor: New media and entertainment have been apart of my life since I was very young, and I don't think that interest will ever go away. When I'm bored, I immerse myself in lore videos no matter the length.
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