My Time At Evershine Announcement Trailer Also Unveils Kickstarter

My Time at Portia and My Time at Sandrock creator Pathea is getting ready to release another game in the series: My Time at Evershine. The newest in the farming series, Evershine will be launching Kickstarter for funding, with an initial announcement trailer having come out on September 17th, 2024.

The game instantly sets itself apart from its predecessors, adopting a more “realistic” artstyle in that the proportions of the character models are more akin to reality than the large heads and smaller bodies of My Time at Portia and Sandrock. Unlike Sandrock’s more arid climate, Evershine seems to be taking a more fantastical approach with forests and rivers, rocky badlands, and volcanoes in the distance. The story also seems to be having the protagonist’s role be relatively unique in the story, serving as the governor of the growing settlement by what seems to be a military force. Two of the military members appear in the trailer in full uniform, one of whom Violet, is the one informing the player of their power as governor.

The final shot of the trailer before the Kickstarter date shows an interesting scene of a character tossing a wanted poster into the wind. The name on the poster is Everglade, the familiar antagonist from earlier in the series. What role Everglade will play in the upcoming game, fans of the series can be confident of at least a mention of her.

As the third game in the series, My Time at Evershine has to build on the backs of its predecessors, and that starts with the Kickstarter campaign. The campaign is set to officially launch on September 24th, 2024 – five days from now. Considering the total budget for Sandrock was $12 million dollars including Kickstarter, this fundraiser will definitely play crucial role. In a Reddit post by Pathea Games on the subject, the needs of a Kickstarter come with the territory of an Indie game, as the challenges of indie gaming are funding. Hopefully the success of a Kickstarter can bolster the developers to give players the best the series has to offer in new My Time at Evershine.

Jack Slomka: Interactive stories have been the core of my gaming experience. The rich narratives created in video games are only heightened by their embodied nature. My love for video game narratives makes me excited to see how new stories unfold, an experience I'm excited to share with you all.
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