The world is just over four months away from the release of Pokémon Sun and Moon and Nintendo has been slowly revealing the Alola region to everyone. This latest trailer shows off three new Pokémon and three Alolan variants as well as the baddies we’ll be facing on our journey.
Again we look to the Pokémon website for all the extra info on the creatures.
First up is the weak looking Wishiwashi, but don’t be mistaken, it isn’t called the “demon of the sea” for nothing. See, Wishiwashi has the brand new ability Schooling and with this ability, when certain conditions are met, it will call upon its friends. When it does the Pokémon transforms into its fearsome school form. In this form, Wishiwashi can go toe to toe with Gyarados. It’s not clear if this is a straight evolution or a conditional thing. The trailer mentions that the change occurs when Wishiwashi reaches a certain level, but it also shows the transformation in the battle.
Continuing with the Water-type trend we have Pyukumuku, a sea cucumber that punches people with its organs. Pyukumuku is another unwanted Pokémon like Magikarp and Feebas meaning that there might be a badass evolution in Pyukumuku’s future. Tourists dislike Pyukumuku due to its unappealing nature. It has a habit of finding its favorite spot and staying there, even if it means starving to death. Alolan residents find the act so depressing they have a tradition of throwing gaunt Pyukumuku into food-rich areas. Unfortunately, that does nothing as Pyukumuku will travel back to its favorite spot regardless. It has the new ability Innards Out which deals damage to the opponent’s Pokémon if it faints.
Morelull is a Grass/Fairy-type. It’s a primarily nocturnal Pokémon whose design is based on the morel mushroom. Morelull uses its roots to move around and to communicate with other Morelulls.
Alolan variants were first introduced in the last trailer with the Alolan versions of Vulpix, Ninetales, Exeggutor, Sandshrew, and Sandslash. Now were are greeted with three new regional evolutions.
Meowths aren’t originally from Alola they were brought to the region as gifts for the royalty. This life of pampering turned them into jerks that value their pride and coin on their heads above all else and damage to either of those will send them into a panic. Alolan Meowths are Dark-type whereas the original was a Normal-type
Life for a Marowak and its prevolution Cubone is hard. Choosing to wear the skull of its dead mother and now living in an environment filled with Grass-types, their natural enemies. Because of this the two stick close together and their connection has given them a sixth sense which caused the change. Marowak uses a bone, which it lights by striking it on its skull, to defend against predators. While its fireballs aren’t the strongest, they do relentlessly peruse their target. The Alolan Marowak are now a Fire/Ghost-type instead of a straight Ground-type.
The funny thing about the last Alolan variant is that no one seems to know or care why it occurred. Alolan Raichus are just adorable, sweet smelling Electric/Psychic-types and if you don’t like it, then tough. That sweet thing wasn’t a joke either when it rubs the electric sacs on its cheeks they give off a sweet scent. This has led people to theorize that the change came from it eating too many pancakes. The sweet scent is thought to be connected to Raichu’s psychic abilities which it uses to surf in the air on its tail. Alolan Raichus have the new ability Surge Surfer which doubles its speed when Electric Terrain is active.
What Pokémon game would be complete without an evil team for the hero to overcome? In Sun and Moon, players will fight the evil Team Skull, a group of punks that act Team Rocket’s younger brother. They “steal Pokémon, mess up trial sites, and delight in all kinds of evil deeds.” Their leader Guzma fights without mercy and has something against Professor Kukui.
His older sister Plumeria acts like the strict mother of the group by keeping the team in line and caring for them.
The team’s motivations are still unknown, so I guess we will have to wait until November 18th when the game comes out for all Nintendo handhelds.