More Details Revealed about Operation Phantom Sight

Today, Ubisoft released more details on Operation Phantom Sight, coming to Rainbow Six Siege. In the update, more information was revealed about the two new Operations, Nøkk and Warden, as well as plans for a rework of the Kafe Dostoyevsky map. Ubisoft also released a video with some gameplay from the update, as well as tips and tricks for playing the new Operators. You can check out the video below.

One of the newest Operators joining the defensive team is Warden, a well-dressed member of the Secret Service. Donning a pair of presumably very expensive glasses, Warden is able to see through smoke grenades and both prevent and recover from flashbangs. “Warden is uniquely equipped to deal with a flash-and-smoke-filled push from the attacking team, thanks to his Glance Smart Glasses. When active, this gadget makes him immune to flashes, removes any flash currently affecting him, and gives him clearer sight through smoke.” The glasses can be toggled on or off, draining a refillable meter when active, with a fixed cooldown period when completely drained. His primary loadout features a choice between an MPX submachine gun or an M590A1 shotgun.

On the other side of the fight, Nøkk joins the attacking team. She is a stealth-based flanker, activating her gadget, the HEL Presence Reduction, to disappear from camera feeds and silence her footsteps. Like Warden, the HEL will also use a toggle system with a refillable meter. However, Nøkk’s gadget is subject to glitches. “This occurs if she performs basically any action except moving at normal speed or slower, crouching and moving, or reloading or swapping weapons.” She will also glitch if she passes through barbed wire or takes damage. While invisible, these glitches appear as a distortion effect, hinting at her location to the observant player. Her weapon choices are an FMG-9 submachine gun or SIX12-SD shotgun for her primary, and a 5.7 USG pistol or a D-50 pistol, the latter with an attachable suppressor, for her secondary.

The update also talks about the Kafe Dostoyevsky map being updated to work better in competitive modes. The ground and second floors received the biggest changes, particularly to the main entranceway and kitchen, as well as the creation of an additional bomb site on the second floor. The updated Kafe Dostoyevsky will be free to all players once the update drops, while the new Operators will be available at launch for players who own the Season 4 Pass. For those who don’t own the season pass, Warden and Nøkk will be unlockable using Renown or R6 credits a week after launch.

No official launch date for Operation Phantom Sight has been announced yet, though it is hitting the test servers on PC May 21 according to IGN. As long as everything goes smoothly there, we can expect to see a full release of the update shortly after.

Mike Gemignani: I am a graduate of the University of Connecticut with a passion for writing and video games. If I'm not playing Overwatch or Rocket League, I'm probably playing some $2 Steam game or watching hockey.
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