Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Presented At Capcom Showcase 2022

This year’s Capcom Showcase was introduced by Ryozo Tsujimoto, producer of the Monster Hunter series. This action role-playing game first came out back in 2004, becoming one of Capcom’s most successful video game series. The latest installment was released last March under the title Monster Hunter Rise and fans will be pleased to know that an expansion has been announced and will be available to play this month!

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is an expansion pack that will include brand-new features and elements from previous games. The beginning of the trailer presents an extended layout of the Jungle, a location returning from Monster Hunter 2. Nostalgic fans may recognize monsters such as the Flying Wyvern Astalos (Monster Hunter Generations) and the Carapaceon Shogun Ceanataur (Monster Hunter 2) returning in this expansion. Newer monsters like the Elder Dragon Malzeno and the Fanged Wyvern Lunageron will make their debut. Players will also familiarize themselves with a new action called Switch Skill Swap, allowing them to swap sets of Switch Skills during battle. The Great Sword’s Strongarm Stance and the Insect Glaive’s Awakened Kinsect Attack are only a taste of the new Silkbind attacks included in the expansion. Players who are eager to pursue these creatures and return to the action do not have to wait much longer!

A demo version of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will be released after 7 pm PDT on June 14, 2022, for Nintendo Switch and Steam. This demo will allow players to hunt Astalos and Malzeno while testing out the Switch Skill Swap and new Silkbind attacks. The full expansion pack is set to release on June 30, 2022, but that does not mean this will be the end for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. It has already been revealed that the first title update featuring Lucent Nargacuga will drop this August, with more to come later this year and next year.

Alyssa Feduniewicz: Hello! My name is Alyssa and I have a passion for video games! When I received my first Nintendo Wii in 2010, my life changed forever! I'm a senior at Old Dominion University majoring in English and minoring in creative writing. I'm eager to improve my writing skills and broaden my horizons while working with mxdwn Games!
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