Minecraft Console Editions Getting New Battle Mode

In an announcement on Mojang’s website, the developer released information on a new mode coming to the console editions of Minecraft:

Ready your enchanted rods! Strap on your diamond helms! We’ve been working with our chums at 4J Studios to make something pretty special – and free! – for Console Edition players to enjoy. We’re calling it Battle. It’s a last-minecrafter-standing deathmatch and the first of a number of mini games we’ll be releasing, designed to help players compete under cool and crazy rulesets with minimum fuss.

Take a look at the promotional art released with the announcement:

According to the announcement, players will be able to take part in the new mode come June. “Battle will be available in June as a free update to Minecraft: Console Edition players and comes with three incredible, deadly arenas,” reads the release.

Mojang also revealed it would be supporting the mode with additional content in the future:

Down the line we’ll be releasing more map packs for $2.99 a pop.

So, what exactly can fans expect in the new mode? The announcement goes into great detail describing some of the things the mode will have to offer, including a full matchmaking system:

Battle pits players against one another in a fight for survival, as they race to snatch weapons and resources from chests, dance over each arena’s unique perils and stave off hunger pangs. We’ve made the mini game specifically with console players and couch-based competition in mind: it supports up to four players in splitscreen and eight players online, either by invitation or using the in-game matchmaking system.

Something Minecraft: Console Edition players have wanted is an easier way to pair up and play with or against each other in any of the games unique modes.  In June, they will have that opportunity.


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