On March 13th, developers from Velan Studios and publisher PlayStation Publishing LLC officially launched an Early Access Edition for their new horror FPS game Midnight Murder Game. The game is available on PC from Steam and also the PlayStation 5. Players who are interested in the game can download the Guest Pass Edition which is free and for those who already have friends that purchased the early access game, or they can purchase the early access for Midnight Murder Club for $20.
The trailer shows the players on what the gameplay looks like as well as the benefits the early access will have. Players who purchase the game will be able to invite up to five friends with the guest pass. There will also be a wildcards mode which gives players perks and abilities, along with other modes too. Light and darkness also play a part in the game, players can either choose between the safety of the light, or survive in the darkness with only a flashlight.
Players will use proximity chat to talk to their friends throughout the game. Around the mansion will also be traps, weapons, and other equipment like a bulletproof vest will help players defend themselves so that they survive the night. The last person standing by the end of the night is the winner.
According to the Steam page, the developers said this about the game being early access, “Midnight Murder Club is being developed with an even smaller team, and while the core game is already fully playable and represents a lot of the fun we expect players to have in the final version, there are many directions that we can go as we work toward a full release, and a feedback loop with players on the game’s current status and roadmap is the best way to deliver a great game when we’re ready for a full release.”