Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes Gets First Person Mod

PC Gamers have another reason to wear their titles proudly, as Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes, a previously console-only hit released on the PC earlier this month, has gotten a First Person mod.

The Metal Gear Solid series has always remained consistent with its third-person-with-occasional-first-person gameplay, but with Ground Zeroes having just been put out on the PC, a modder going by the moniker “Pao” has given gamers the chance to play an MGS game entirely in first person.

The modder, rather impressively, accomplished this without the aid of supported modding tools, but as a result it has a few wrinkles. For example, objects and characters fade out when the player moves too close to them; something that makes sense with a third person perspective to prevent objects from blocking the view, but is pointless in first person. Snake’s body also becomes translucent when crawling, and his torso can’t be seen when looking down. Pistol animations also don’t look quite as nice as their two-handed counterparts.

Of course, these glitches are to be expected from a mod of this nature; first person mods of third person games are notoriously difficult to pull off, but judging from the below gameplay footage, “Pao” has done a commendable job. He also adds that updates are being constantly rolled out to squash issues, such as a recent one that fixed clipping issues when crawling.

You can download and keep up to date with the mod on MGS5: GZ‘s Nexus page.

Kerwin Tsang: Kerwin has been a gamer for almost as long as he's been alive, ever since he received a Sega Mega Drive in 1989. Having graduated to the upper echelons of PC gaming, he now boasts a number of major gaming accomplishments. These include getting through all three Deus Ex games without killing anyone, clocking in over 700 hours of gameplay time in Skyrim without ever finishing the main story, and nearly shattering every bone in his hand from punching the wall when his soldiers in XCOM missed a shot with 95% chance to hit.
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