Metacritic User Reviewed Bombed Starfield Months Ahead Of Its September Release

A user on Metacritic somehow managed to review Starfield, an upcoming space action RPG title, months ahead of its release date on September 6, 2023. People on Twitter brought attention to the review on Wednesday, leaving many confused about how Metacritic user Joppsta360 was able to review a game that hadn’t even come out yet. Others were less than surprised by the review, noting the previous Bethesda game’s track record with getting review bombed before release. Not too long afterward, the review was taken down.

Joppsta360’s negative review predictably centered around criticizing Bethesda and Todd Howard, alleging that Starfield was just another game that would just be another way to take as much money from player’s bank accounts as possible.

“…Starfield Super Special 76 edition includes the expected disappointment,” said Joppsta360. “Comes with a shot glass so you can participate in the recurring Internet Historian drinking game. Take a shot every time Todd Howard lies. Or don’t, you will be dead from alcohol poisoning 5 minutes into the 20+ minute masterpiece highlighting yet another Bethesda disasterpiece.”

Its unknown what Joppsta360’s intentions were for this review, but it’s more than likely to just fuel the fire of online discourse surrounding Bethesda’s spotty history of bugs in its games. Regardless, its best for players to wait until the game comes out to give their opinions on it, no matter how easy it is to immediately jump on the hate bandwagon.

Starfield releases on September 6, 2023, for Xbox Series X|S and PC.

Caitlyn Taylor: New media and entertainment have been apart of my life since I was very young, and I don't think that interest will ever go away. When I'm bored, I immerse myself in lore videos no matter the length.
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