It was once said that only three things were certain: Death, taxes, and gamers playing games in absolutely ridiculous and oftentimes barely possible ways. As such, it should come as no surprise that a Final Fantasy XIV player has managed to play the game’s “dancer” class using actual, real-life dance moves.
As Kotaku reports, a gamer going by Super Louis 64 has successfully managed to translate physical dance moves into in-game actions, making for likely the most physically taxing iteration of Final Fantasy XIV ever theorized. The way it works is actually pretty simple: By hooking up a Kinect sensor and the software FAAST, which translates physical movement into network signals, Louis was able to connect keyboard inputs with his sweet moves. Unfortunately, this doesn’t extend to character movement, so he was forced to run back to his keyboard in order to dodge attacks and just get around, but all the attacks and actions were successfully mapped to the Kinect sensor, and the result is glorious.
So for easier moves like Emboite & Entrechat I made motions close to them. However for steps like Jete I decided to do things like program Carlton’s Dance from Fresh Prince into the step. I’m telling you boss fights are NOT the same when you have to bust this move out (4/5) pic.twitter.com/9VOEFGZpoQ
— Super Louis 64 (@SuperLouis_64) September 27, 2021
This isn’t just for show either. Super Louis proved just how super he was by actually beating some bosses with his new control scheme, though in a video (which you can watch below) he did explain that using this setup is quite the workout. That isn’t going to stop our hero, though, who also said that “I might even do this until my Dancer gets to level 80. This was a very fun workout and my face still hurts from smiling so much.” I’d like to take a moment to point out that yes, in these videos Super Louis looks like he’s having the time of his life, which is giving me personally the extra kick of positivity I need to start my week off right. In fact, here’s another tweet of Louis doing his dance and absolutely loving it.
If you ever wondered what your party member is doing AFK in FF14, it’s probably something dumb like this.
My first day as a Dancer and I already forgot that I should be dancing 😆 pic.twitter.com/jmYo1nGgoR
— Super Louis 64 (@SuperLouis_64) September 22, 2021
Louis is a multitalented player, having accomplished dozens of creative controller runs of fan-favorite games. You can check him out on Twitter. Until then, I’m going to go find a Kinect.