Hanger 13 and 2K’s Mafia III came out today and already the reviews are mixed, on Steam at least. This isn’t due to the game’s content but rather the content it doesn’t have.
A quick look at the reviews over on Steam will reveal that the game’s frame rate is locked at 30 FPS a cap and fans aren’t too happy about it.
Players that spent a pretty penny on a high-end PC won’t have to wait too long for a fix. In a statement on Mafia III’s official website, 2K said that a patch is in the works that will allow players to customize the frame rate to their liking.
We know how important having options that best suit your PC’s performance capabilities are. The team has been hard at work ensuring that Mafia III’s performance is consistent across all platforms, and right now the game runs at a solid 30 frames-per-second. We are currently working on an update for PC that will give players the option to play Mafia III at higher framerates. We’ll share more details about the update, and when you can expect it to arrive, very soon. In the meantime, the team welcomes feedback and would like to hear from you about what performance adjustment options are important to you. We’re actively considering a number of additional post-launch improvements on PC that would give players more control over how they can tailor the game’s experience to suit their rig’s performance.
In a later update, 2K said that they have a patch in the works that accommodates 30, 60, and unlimited FPS ready. All that is left is testing to make sure it works as it should. PC players can expect the patch sometime this weekend.
We currently have a patch running here at the studio that includes 30, 60, and unlimited frames-per-second options in the video menu, among other improvements for the PC version of Mafia III. We’re verifying the patch now to ensure everything is working as expected. If everything goes well, we expect the update to go live this weekend.
If you want to know more about the game before you buy you can check out our article on the side activities in the game and the post-launch content 2K and Hanger 13 have planned.