This morning, Like A Dragon developer Ryu Ga Gotoku (RGG) Studio released a new trailer for their upcoming installment, Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. The trailer provided deeper insights into Gaiden‘s story, gameplay, game features, and much more. It also included a developer update from RGG Studio Director Masayoshi Yokoyama concerning RGG Studio’s roadmap of their upcoming titles and Gaiden‘s connection to Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth. According to Yokoyama himself, Gaiden “will provide the best insight into the personality of Kazuma Kiryu”, former Like A Dragon series protagonist.
The beginning of the trailer follows the story premise described on Gaiden‘s official website: Kiryu, acting under the codename Joryu, participates in a Daidoji Faction mission gone wrong. At some point after, a mysterious assailant abducts Kihei Hanawa, Kiryu’s handler from the Daidoji Faction; this will serve as tension between Kiryu and the Daidoji Faction. During this journey, Kiryu’s adopted family from Okinawa also comes under threat from his enemies.
Gaiden‘s story is closely linked to events from Yakuza: Like A Dragon. The trailer implies that Kiryu’s involvement in the yakuza dissolution will be featured here, as evidenced by the appearances of Like A Dragon series fan favorites like Goro Majima, Taiga Saejima, Daigo Dojima, and Masaru Watase. The trailer also features characters from the last game like Ichiban Kasuga, who will be a playable protagonist in Infinite Wealth.
Speaking of Infinite Wealth, Gaiden will be deeply connected to this upcoming RGG installment. At the end of the trailer, Hanawa mentions Hawaii, which is rumored to be the foreign country featured in the Infinite Wealth trailer. Further, the trailer showcases a new cutscene from Infinite Wealth, where Kiryu frees Kasuga from custody in Hawaii. This cutscene introduced a “special trial version” of Infinite Wealth, which will be available to anyone who purchases Gaiden.
As for gameplay, the trailer reintroduces Gaiden‘s combat styles: the ferocious and brutal Yakuza style and the swift and technological Agent Style. Gaiden also features a Coliseum Battle Arena, where the player can lead a team of fighters in large-scale brawls. During Arena battles, the player can alternate between Kiryu and other playable characters like Majima, Saejima, and Daigo, who will all be available in the Legendary Fighter Pack pre-order bonus. Other content includes a live-action cabaret club, karaoke with new songs, Pocket Circuit (last seen in Yakuza Kiwami), outfit customization, retro arcade games, and many more.
After the trailer, Yokoyama provided a future event roadmap leading up to Gaiden‘s release. The first hands-on event for Gaiden will be at Gamescom 2023, which will take place from August 23rd to August 27th in Cologne, Germany. The second hands-on event will be at PAX West from September 1st to September 4th in Seattle, and the last is Tokyo Game Show from September 21st to September 24th. RGG Studio will also appear at more shows in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.
Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name will launch on November 9th for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, and Steam.