The next episode of Deck Nine Games’ Life is Strange: Before the Storm has been confirmed for release next week. The latest episode, titled Brave New World, is the second of three episodes in the Life is Strange prequel. Publisher Square Enix posted the new information along with a launch trailer for the episode and supplied a brief overview of what we’re getting out of Brave New World.
“As Chloe and Rachel’s family life continues to crumble, their friendship blossoms and the two girls discuss running away together. But before they can go, Chloe gets involved with an errand for Frank Bowers which puts her in a dangerous situation and exposes an uglier side of Arcadia Bay,” Square Enix wrote in its announcement. If you’ve played the original Life is Strange, you’ll remember Frank Bowers as the belligerent dealer Max and Chloe encounter, and with whom Rachel supposedly had a relationship. It looks like the next two episodes of Before the Storm will be bridging that narrative gap, and tell us more about Chloe’s transformation into the jaded girl who gets kicked out of Blackwell. You can check out Brave New World’s launch trailer below.
Brave New World will be released on October 19th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. You can grab the first episode, Awake, out now.