Life Is Strange 2 Coming To the Nintendo Switch

A while back, fans of the Life is Strange series received news that Life is Strange: True Colors and Life is Strange: Arcadia Bay Collection will be coming to the Nintendo Switch. With optimized graphics and sounds fit for the Switch, fans of the series now had the opportunity to play it on a Nintendo console. And once again, the series will have another port. Square Enix revealed a trailer today announcing that Life is Strange 2 will be coming to the Nintendo Switch.

Life is Strange 2  was developed by Dontnod Entertainment and first released in 2018. It is an episodic adventure game where the story is told in a third-person point of view.  The story was released in five chapters, Roads, Rules, Wasteland, Faith and Wolves.

The game tells the story of two brothers, Sean and Daniel who overcome the trials of life. Sean confronts his neighbor Brett after he is harassing his little brother, Daniel. After the two get into a scuffle, an officer arrives on the scene and jumps to conclusions. Sean’s father rushes over to the scene but as he arrives, the officer shoots Sean and Daniel’s father. As a result, Daniel awakens his telekinesis ability which he unknowingly and accidentally creates an explosion. The explosion takes out the officer and the brothers run away as fugitives.

As the story unfolds, players will choose how to guide Daniel. Dialogue options will be given to players and they must choose which outcome they want to play out in the story Each decision will later affect what will happen in the game.  The decision of how the story unfolds rests with the players. Life is Strange 2 is available for pre-order and is scheduled to be released on February 2, 2023.

Omar Del Rio: I am an inspiring writer set on writing a novel with endless realms of possibility .And video games are the portal to the realm of imagination.
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