To celebrate its 11th birthday, Left 4 Dead 2 has received its last update (and the first update in 8 years). Titled “The Last Stand”, this expansion contains 26 brand new maps, new melee weapons, new animations, 30 new achievements, competitive balance adjustments, and unused voice lines for all of the survivors. At the same time as these updates, the expansion also brings back the infected from the original Left 4 Dead game, along with new mutations called Rocketdude and Tank Run.
Like many Valve titles, the third installment in the Left 4 Dead series was canceled after the company decided to focus more on hardware and its gaming platform Steam. “The Last Stand” is said to be the work of over 30 fans in the Left 4 Dead community who collaborated with Valve to bring this expansion to life in 11 months. As the title suggests, however, this is the last update Left 4 Dead 2 will receive. While many fans are disappointed at the lost potential a third game in the franchise in the game would include, there is still plenty of excitement to be formed over the spiritual successor Back 4 Blood. As of now, there is nothing more on Back 4 Blood besides some concept art on the official Twitter page.
Since the release of “The Last Stand” Left 4 Dead 2 has traveled back into the top ten for most played Steam games, proving that the game is still a hit with fans old and new. According to Steam Charts, there are currently over 37,000 people playing the game since the release of the DLC (and still seeing an average of around 10,000 players per day).
Left 4 Dead 2 is currently avalible on Steam for $1.99 USD up until September 28th. “The Last Stand” DLC is currently free for a limited time for all PC players (with no hint of an Xbox version coming in the future).