League of Legends Introduces Chroma Skin Packs to PBE

In a response to the community’s request, Riot will be introducing chroma packs to League of Legends Public Beta Environment (PBE) in the next PBE update. This means the game will offer even more customization with players being able to choose from different color palettes for their favorite champions’ skins.

“Where champion skins offer alternate fantasies from a champion’s base thematic, chromas serve up a way to further personalize specific champs or skins. As a re-imagining of the original champion or skin’s look, chromas allow you to make a champion or skin your own.”

A chroma pack will include three re-colors for a champion’s default skin or a champion-specific skin. Each pack will cost 590RP if the particular champion is already owned. If you do not own the champion, the cost of the champion will be expressed as a higher bundle price listed in the store. Once a chroma pack is purchased in the store, it will show up in champion select under the selected champion’s skin window.

To start things off, Riot is testing the chroma concept with Lucian’s default skin and Lee Sin’s Dragonfist skin. These two champions are just a test; more chroma packs for various champions will be available in the future. For more information, check out the chroma pack F.A.Q. here.

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