Latest Insider Episode Deep Dives Into Post Launch Content For Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League releases in just over a week and the developers at RockSteady have been hard at work showcasing what players can expect come launch day and beyond. In the newest episode of Suicide Squad insider, the idea of the game’s elseworlds was the main focus. Rocksteady for a long time now have been promising that they plan on supporting this title for years to come and this first look at the post-launch content coming really does look like they will be living up to that promise. After the end of the main story, that is nowhere near the end as RockSteady are introducing the multiverse to Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League in order to brings players to any scenario possible. 

Post-launch content is said to be taking part as seasons, and there will be two episodes per season. Each episode will provide its own missions and will continue to push the narrative of the Suicide Squad further, episodes are also never expired or seasonal as the developers have mentioned that once the content is in the game you can go back and play its years from now. The first season’s theme, launching in March,  will be centered around the character of the joker, with the two episodes seemingly being correlated to Two-Face and Scarecrow, another batch of iconic Batman villains. Each season will be bringing one new playable character being introduced to the suicide squad, this season beings of course The Joker. We got a brief overview of the Joker’s gameplay and backstory, as this Joker is not the same one from the Arkham games as he has been dead for 5 years. Instead this is a version of the Joker from an elseworld in which he was already a member of the Suicide Squad and was not at the super-villain level that we know him to be at. 

RockSteady claims that the game will be one of the most player-friendly experiences as there will also be no battle passes and the in-game shop will be purely for cosmetics. This, accompanied by the idea that there are already 3 seasons planned after the first one releasing in March, showcasing how dedicated RockSteady are to this project. At the bare minimum, this game will have 8 total playable characters, with more likely beyond the first year of content. Again each season will provide new stages, bosses, enemy types, and a plethora of new and exciting content after you’ve saved the world. 

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