It’s been quite the week for Fate/Grand Order’s Japan Server, which had its 9th Anniversary last weekend. To celebrate the event the game welcomed a new five star servant Space Ereshkigal, who is already wildly popular among fans, and implemented some changes to gameplay and quality of life. Of those changes, one was met with near universal backlash, requiring players to pull more copies of a character (about eight copies for a five star) by adding new passive skills to be unlocked with servant coins. However, in response the development director Yoshiki Kano, released two statements, one earlier this week and the second this morning.
This new statement is the permanent solution, and similar to the temporary solution mentioned a few days ago, players don’t have a clear time frame of when this change will be implemented. The new change has made it so that increasing the bond level with a servant beyond level 7 will now provide more servant coins. Meaning from Bond level 7 to 15, players will be able to earn enough extra coins to unlock the two new append skills, 240 total extra to be exact. This change should make it that maxing a five star character will no longer be pulling eight copies of them, but return to only requiring six copies, which it was prior to the anniversary.
Ultimately, the rapid response times from Lasengle have been well received, especially after the permanent fix idea was announced. It also showcased that both the Japanese and North American communities for the game were in staunch agreement of their response to the change. With content creators making videos and “Needs NP8,” meaning needing eight copies of a five star character, trending on X in Japan, the unified message was clear and Lasengle has taken these words to heart. With the new change, players seem to be looking forward to the Summer Nine event which will feature exciting Tsukihime crossover character Ciel as one of the new five stars, with the other to be announced next week. Enjoy Anniversary well it lasts, and try and nab Space Ereshkigal, the anniversary servant.