Many fans have been speculating on when Kingdom Hearts 3 will be receiving post launch content and what kind of content will be making its way to the game. There have been hints of DLC from Square Enix for the title but no information was given at the time due to the development team being on vacation. Thankfully, we now have some new light shed on the subject.
During a recent interview with Dengeki Online, Tetsuya Nomura, the game director who headed Kingdom Hearts 3, revealed that they are currently working on DLC for the game. In terms of how the DLC will be distributed he stated that smaller content would be added as updates and will release as they are completed free of charge to players.
An example of an update like this would be the addition of a Critical Mode difficulty setting which would make the game harder for players who enjoy a challenge. It was a surprise to many when they noticed that the mode was not in the game from launch.
As far as paid DLC it would be larger in scale of course, and will add upon story elements within the game. One character that was mentioned was Xion, who made her return to the series within the game but her revival wasn’t completely explained. Nomura stated that it is possible that this could be described within DLC.
With Kingdom Hearts being notorious for having a convoluted plot, and so many of the story lines coming together within KH3, it wouldn’t be a bad idea for there to be expansions to help explain areas of the story that players might have overlooked or had them confused. As far as a release window, Nomura said that they are aiming to release it before the end of this year.