Bad news (or good news depending on how you feel about things like this) for Kingdom Hearts fans, as there are potentially multiple copies of Kingdom Hearts 3 being distributed right now and that means spoilers. With the third installment in the main series taking well over a decade to be completed and released, longtime fans really aren’t happy at all with the prospect of being potentially spoiled. These leaks come well over a month before the game is supposed to release, making them all the more unexpected. An interesting thing to note as of writing is that all of the leaks seem to come from North America, as no leaks have come from anywhere else yet. As a disclaimer, there are no direct spoilers in this article, though there are links to the leaked footage. You have been warned.
Heads up, Kingdom Hearts fans:
The full version (!) of KH3 appears to be out in the wild (some screenshots and videos exist that I won't share here)
But yeah, be careful on both social media and YouTube pic.twitter.com/6QKhu31IaZ
— Nibel (@Nibellion) December 15, 2018
There seems to be a recurring theme from the comments of the footage that has been released, with copies apparently being sold on the Facebook marketplace (with links to said marketplace now deleted). It is of course common sense not to sell the game if you get early copies unless you want legal action to possibly be taken against you (leaker, beware, you’re in for a scare!). Some of the leaked footage can be found here, here, and here. The footage linked doesn’t show anything past what can be assumed to be the introduction and start of the game.
Generally, the Kingdom Hearts community has not been happy about these leaks, with places like r/KingdomHearts forbidding any discussion related to the leaks including posting, linking to, or asking for copies of footage or screenshots, with the threat of a ban for those who violate this rule. While they do allow discussion and leaks in a specific channel in their Discord that is linked, join it at your discretion.
Kingdom Hearts 3 actually releases January 29, 2019 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.