The Just Cause 3 developer team has recently put out new info on the up and coming open world action-adventure game created by Avalanche Studios. Those who want a virtual world to explore have more than they could ever imagine 400 miles worth claims Avalanche Studios. This will be 400 miles on the fictional island of Medici. Which is imaginably located somewhere in the Mediterranean.
“I think we have one of the biggest maps ever.”
Said one of the developers interviewed during Dev Diary on the official Just Cause Youtube channel. The game will be more than just an island it will be composed of five different biomes to explore according to Gameinformer. With beautiful unique scenery, elements, and landscape. Add in the permanently equipped faster traveling wing suit and you have one crazy adventure.
According to the dev team the game will a large expanse of ruins and just generally decaying building and structures from civilizations.
“Everyone has done Eastern Russia, but we thought that the Mediterranean was an untapped resource.”
How do you go about creating something this epic. You get out into the real world and explore the actual Mediterranean. Which is exactly what the Avalanche staff did says Gameinformer. They would take pictures and get ideas and implement them into the game. Which is not only a cool idea it can create impressive realism and breathtaking beauty.
The landscape isn’t the only thing the developers talked about though. They went on to talk about who Rico Rodriguez the protagonist in the game is and what his purpose really is. So those in love with the story line and this character will have some exciting plot happening as well.
If you aren’t convinced yet that this is an awesome game they thew the sickest prize in as well. Want to have an island of your own? Avalanche and Square Enix are promising that to anyone at the top of the chaos points on the leader board after 90 days according to ign. Just Cause 3 is available on December 1st and is on sale on Steam right now.